If you're looking for someone to give you reiki, you'll come across reiki practitioners and reiki therapists. But what exactly is the difference?
Reiki Practitioner
Anyone who has been initiated by a reiki master can give a reiki treatment. It's super chill, because as a practitioner, you don't have to put in much effort apart from activating your "reiki." The reiki energy will flow through the practitioner's hands and is received by you. Of course, it's up to the practitioner to make you feel comfortable and ask about any issues you have. This way, you can also direct the reiki energy a bit. But in essence, it's not even necessary because reiki goes where it's needed, regardless of whether it's on a physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual level. So, a reiki practitioner can help you restore your energy balance, reduce stress, and improve your overall well-being.
Reiki Therapist
A reiki therapist also provides reiki treatments but takes a deeper therapeutic approach. In addition to the reiki initiation, a therapist has additional training and experience in other forms of therapy, such as counseling, coaching, or other alternative healing modalities. A reiki therapist may have a holistic approach (like me) and work on treating the underlying causes behind the symptoms you're experiencing. A therapist can help you deal with emotional blockages, process trauma, or promote personal growth by using techniques like EFT (tapping) or Sedona. Often, a reiki treatment is given in addition to these techniques.
I hope this helps in understanding the difference. But in the end, the reiki will find it's way ;).